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[page consultée le 2000-09-24]

10 Cool Sites
bringing you the coolest since 1995

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Bio Interactive - There are lots of activities and animations to learn from at this terrific science site! For example, you can visit virtual labs to examine patients and learn how to diagnose their cardiac diseases. Through interactive demos, you can find out how some fish use electricity to navigate. You can also watch beautiful animations that illustrate topics from infection of human cells by microbes to how the heart functions.

Enchanted Learning - This fun site for kids is packed with educational tidbits. The topics covered range from dinosaurs to explorers. You will also find lots of ideas for making crafts using household items.

Folk Legends of Japan - Explore Japanese folk legends as you journey to "a fairy-tale world of heroes, terrible ogres, animals matching wits, and more!"

Art and Culture - This virtual encyclopedia of the arts is well organized and searchable. There is also an online magazine with articles on the arts and a worldwide arts event calendar. This site is best viewed using the Flash plug-in.

Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen - If you are curious about how to make strange goo, a crystal garden, or a crystal radio, then this site is a must-visit!

Chabot Space and Science Center - At this site, you can visit a virtual planetarium, explore online exhibits, and learn about upcoming celestial events in the sky calendar.

The Textile Museum - Learn about a culture through the textiles its people create! You can view an online exhibit and browse through an illustrated "stitch glossary." Lesson plans for teachers are also available.

This Nation - Visit this site to combat ignorance about the United States government! There is an online textbook, a library of historical documents and rulings, pictures of past presidents, a glossary, and a current event section. You can also submit questions about politics and the government to "Professor Mott," or browse the archive of past questions.

The @rt room - Take yourself on an "art adventure!" At this site, you will find mind-expanding art activities, a gallery of children's artwork from around the world, and a list of Web links for art teachers. - Check out this library of cool exhibits on optical illusions!
Cool Site: September 2000
Exploratorium Home / Ten Cool Sites
©2000 The Exploratorium

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[page consultée le 2000-09-10]

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Alternative Science
New Age
Paranormal Phenomena
Applied Science/Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science
Delphi Programming
Focus on Java
Pascal Programming
Visual Basic
Earth Science
Geographic Information Systems
Life Science
Environmental Issues
Science/Nature for Kids
Physical Science/Math
Space & Astronomy for Kids
Social Science
Current Events: Law
Political Science
U.S. Gov Info/Resources
Urban Legends and Folklore

/    How things work    \________________________________  [page consultée le 2000-09-24]


Most Recent Questions

Louis A. Bloomfield, Professor of Physics, The University of Virginia

/     Popular Science best 50 sites    \______________________ [page consultée le 2000-09-24]

WITH MORE THAN 550 billion unique documents available on the Web and an estimated 7 million or more pages being added daily, it's not surprising that you can find science and technology sites around just about any virtual corner. But while there's plenty of good information on most of these pages, only the best sites make it onto our annual 50 Best of the Web list.

As usual, we've selected sites that cover a broad range of topics, from spiral galaxies to an electronics treasure trove. Not only do these sites provide a wealth of information, they enliven it with interactive games, video clips, animations, and breathtaking pictures. Part of the driving force behind the movement to a more interactive and audiovisual presentation is the growth of high-speed connections like DSL and cable modems. In fact, some sites have broadband-specific content.

  /   Science/ Nature for kids    \______________________________
[page consultée le 2000-08-10]

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How to Understand the Scientific Process
The model for the scientific process is the foundation for all of your science projects, experiments and activities.
How to Make a Science Tool Box
You can make your own science tool kit for exploring science.
How to Grow Socks
Take your socks on a nature walk!
How to Make a Rainbow
A rainbow is the result of millions of water drops reflecting light.
How to Celebrate Earth Day
Each April we celebrate our Earth. You can celebrate the planet every day in a number of ways!
How to Make an Orange Bird Feeder
You can watch the birds enjoy this sweet treat.
How to Create a Chemical Reaction
Chemical reactions occur when two chemicals unite to form a compound that is unlike the original substances, and cannot be changed back into the original form.
How to Make a Plant Press
With this simple plant press you can preserve your summer blooms throughout the year.
How to Make a Volcano
With this project you can create your own erupting masterpiece!
How to Make Fossils
Discover how real fossils are made with this hands-on activity.

  /  Regards sur le Système Solaire    \______________________________ [page consultée le 2000-08-10]

Languages English Portuguese Spanish French German

Regards sur le Système Solaire présente une aventure multimédia vivante dévoilant les splendeurs du Soleil, des Planètes, de la Lune, des Comètes, des Astéroïdes et plus encore. Découvrez la plus récente information scientifique ou étudiez l'histoire de l'exploration de l'espace, des fusées, des premiers astronautes, des missions spatiales et des sondes spatiales à travers une vaste archive de photographies renfermant des faits scientifiques, des textes, des graphiques et des vidéos. Regards sur le Système Solaire vous offre une exploration rehaussée associée au plaisir éducationnel du Système Solaire et même d'avantage.


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